Puck Polter of Vondst comments on Court of Justice 12 October 2016, C-166/15 (Ranks en Vasiļevičs vs. Microsoft Corp.).
>>Polo van der Putt comments on Court of Appeal Den Haag 31 March 2015 (Exact-Brandmeester's).
>>Comments Polo van der Putt for the magazine Computerrecht (Computer Law) on a failed automation project.
>>Polo van der Putt has been interviewed by AutomatiseringGids (Automation Magazine), a leading magazine in the Netherlands for IT professionals.
>>Yesterday the 2015 Outsourcing Performance was launched. Outsourcing Performance is the annual benchmark study of Giarte.
>>In juni heeft de branchevereniging van de Nederlandse IT-industrie, Nederland ICT, haar nieuwe algemene voorwaarden gepubliceerd.
>>Article of Polo van der Putt in the legal magazine Weg & Wagen (Road & Vehicle) on big data and liability.
>>Noot van Polo van der Putt in Computerrecht bij Centric/Wehkamp.
>>On 25 June 2013 the Hague Court of Appeal gave a ruling on the validity of a software patent of U.S. based Rovi Coroporation.
>>Polo van der Putt and Tessa Stallaert wrote an article for Information Magazine on the legal aspects of IT business cases.
>>Polo van der Putt wrote a commentary for Computerrecht, the Dutch Computer Law Magazine.
>>Recently the 10th edition of Outsourcing Performance was published by Giarte.
>>Commentary of Polo van der Putt and Titus Engels on the recent Supreme Court decision in which sales law was applied to software licenses.
>>Classical outsourcing agreements are too rigid.
>>Herwin Roerdink has been appointed as partner with Vondst advocaten as of 1 February 2017.
>>During the Spring Meeting of the Netherlands Association for Information Technology and Law (NVvIR) lectured about apps and intellectual property.
>>Polo van der Putt attended the ITechLaw conference in Bangalore, India.
>>Vondst has participated in the recent event of the Amsterdam Economic Board.
>>Polo van der Putt has given a training on e-commerce for Sdu.
>>In a landmark case (usedSoft-case) the Court of Justice of the EU today decided that buyers of second hand software do need need a license from the software vendor to use the software.
>>Polo van der Putt and Titus Engels are the co-authors of the book "Outsourcing onder Architectuur.
>>Today a commentary of Polo van der Putt was published in the Dutch magazine for Computer law (Computerrecht) with respect to a court decision on a failed IT-project.
>>On 6 March a successful seminar on outsourcing trends took place.
>>On 30 January the book "Data Protection & Privacy" was launched in Brussels.
>>Comment by Polo van der Putt for the legal blog IT en Recht (IT & Law) to a Supreme Court decision about the unability to perform an IT agreement.