De farmaceutische en biotechnologische industrie kenmerken zich door sterke concurrentie en omvangrijke en zich snel ontwikkelende regelgeving. Naast de eerder genoemde octrooibescherming en –handhaving hebben bedrijven actief in deze sector te maken met een aantal typische juridische vraagstukken, zoals (Europese) registratie van geneesmiddelen en medische hulpmiddelen, parallelimport, regelrechte namaak (‘counterfeiting’), licenties, Good Clinical Practice en vergoedings- en prijskwesties. De advocaten van Vondst hebben ruime ervaring in het voeren van procedures en het adviseren van cliënten over deze vraagstukken.
Vondst heeft bovendien een specifieke niche in het beoordelen van reclamecampagnes voor (recept)geneesmiddelen, zoals advertenties en de daarin gebruikte (vergelijkende) claims, detail-aids, websites en de organisatie van promotionele en wetenschappelijke bijeenkomsten. Onze advocaten beschikken over een diepgaande kennis van de zelfregulering van de Stichting Code Geneesmiddelenreclame (“CGR”) en zij zijn ervaren in het voeren van klachtprocedures bij de CGR.
De IAM Patent 1000 zegt het volgende over de farma & life sciences praktijk van Vondst: “Toward the end of last year, IP and life sciences specialist Vondst Advocaten celebrated a decade of fighting important battles in Dutch intellectual property. Champion to a brigade of drug manufacturers, the firm is active at the highest levels, exerting its impressive influence in the Supreme Court to argue key questions over second medical use patents. At the root of its offering – and the reason why so many high-profile disciples flock to it – is its meticulous approach: time is taken to understand the technical issues at stake and to develop invulnerable, business-oriented strategies that hold up in court. “Its advice is commercial and always aligned to the client’s needs rather than focusing on the law and process.” Realising this vision over the last 10 years, founding partner Otto Swens garners acclaim from leading peers at home and abroad: “Otto does an incredible job in a number of big cases. He’s well prepared and steady, easy to work with and always prompt and professional in responding to issues, even with very tight deadlines.” Combining his life sciences nous with a deep grasp on regulatory matters, he stands out as an ally to the generic sector, battling on behalf of Teva in its second medical use clash against Merck Sharp and Dohme relating to a hepatitis C treatment. Partner Ricardo Dijkstra pioneers many of the group’s contentious expeditions. He has masterminded defence strategies for Sandoz and challenged the patents of Hoffman La Roche at the EPO. He is equally skilled in contractual negotiations, providing advice and counsel on the worldwide patent portfolio of Modern Dental before its listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as well as to the University Medical Centre on patent matters. New hire Arvid Van Oorschot is “an excellent catch for Vondst”; the entrance of the former Brinkhof rising star is described as “a considerable re-enforcement” of an already redoubtable line-up.”