Geweldige resultaten in The Legal 500 EMEA 2019 voor onze IE, Octrooi en IT & Outsourcing teams! The Legal 500 is een van de vermaarde gidsen met overzichten van de beste advocaten en advocatenkantoren.
Gebaseerd op onderzoek en feedback van cliënten en collega’s, komt The Legal 500 tot de volgende lovende opmerkingen over Vondst:
Information technology (tier 2)
Vondst ‘combines expertise, approachability, and practical advice‘ and is especially recommended for its outsourcing expertise and disputes work. Polo van der Putt, who ‘is not only an expert but also very approachable, very practical, and solution-oriented‘, advised Evry, one of the biggest Scandinavian IT companies, in the outsourcing by Geldservice Nederland (GSN) of all its ATM processing activities. Tjeerd Overdijk and Herwin Roerdink are also recommended.
Healthcare and life sciences (tier 2)
Vondst is a specialist firm that handles contentious and non-contentious IP and IT matters for clients in the pharmaceutic and life sciences sectors. The team has in-depth expertise in the regulatory regimes and also niche expertise in plant variety rights. Ricardo Dijkstra, Otto Swens, Tjeerd Overdijk are the senior partners together with Arvid van Oorschot, who joined from Brinkhof in January 2018. The team acted for Sandoz in an action with AstraZeneca over the latter’s drug Faslodex and counts Teva, Mylan, and Pfizer among its client list.
Patents (tier 3)
Specialist boutique Vondst focuses on contentious and non-contentious IP, especially in the pharma, life sciences and IT sectors. Otto Swens and Ricardo Dijkstra lead the team together with Arvid van Oorschot who joined from Brinkhof. Carly van der Beek has also joined from Hogan Lovells International LLP. Dijkstra led a team that acted successfully for Teva in a case against ICOS concerning the latter’s blockbuster product Cialis. The matter involved invalidity and preliminary injunction proceedings.
Trade marks, copyrights and design rights (tier 4)
Offering ‘practical and to the point advice‘, Vondst provides both litigation and IP exploitation expertise in a range of sectors including IT. Tjeerd Overdijk is noted for being ‘a very strong partner in any litigation or negotiation‘ while the ‘fantastic‘ Herwin Roerdink is cited for his skills in national and EU trade mark and internet issues. The team assists well-known clients on trade mark and copyright enforcement, domain name issues, and is acting for a client in a case before The Hague Court which will consider whether the mere storage and import into the EER of branded goods can exhaust a community mark.
Meer informatie vindt u hier.
Vondst is een Amsterdams advocatenkantoor dat zich specialiseert in intellectueel eigendomsrecht, farmaceutisch recht, IT en privacy. Deze heldere focus garandeert een diepgaande en actuele kennis van de regelgeving en marktontwikkelingen in de sectoren waarin onze cliënten actief zijn. De advocaten van Vondst zijn deskundig, toegankelijk en nauw betrokken bij cliënten en hun bedrijfsactiviteiten.
Vondst heeft een uitstekende reputatie met vermeldingen in de diverse gezaghebbende gidsen, zoals Chambers, Legal500, Managing Intellectual Property en IAM Patent 1000.